First and foremost... This forum is for Power Wagon owners, future Power Wagon owners, people who wished they were Power Wagon owners and people who want to know more about Power Wagons. Further, this forum is run by Power Wagon owners and this forum will be what we Power Wagon owners make it to be. Without you, there is no forum.
That being said, I suspect that this will be a relatively self-governing forum because you guys rock. Therefore, the rules will be simple and light. They are separated into the things you can't do and the things I specifically wish to encourage.
- Spamming will not be tolerated. At my or the moderators sole discretion, we will moderate, delete posts, and ban or remove accounts that spam the forum.
- Don't be a troll, or start or engage in flame wars. You'll receive a warning at first and if the behavior continues, either put on post moderation status or banned.
- No pornography please. I was going to create a NSFW topic area, but the license agreement with Tapatalk specifically prohibits pornography. Tapatalk is a great mobile app for accessing this forum and I'd hate to have the license revoked for use here.
- Don't engage in illegal activity. I don't want the headache of defending this forum and myself because you were tying to sell drugs, stolen merchandise, illegal software etc.
- This list is not exhaustive by any means. You all are adults and I expect you to do the right thing. However, the Site Admin and Moderators reserve the right to take action on issues we feel is in the best interest of the forum and its members.
- Be civil to each other. Good natured ribbing is highly encouraged, but keep it fun.
- If you have ideas about making this place better, drop the Site Admin a PM or throw up a poll to see how your peers feel about it.
- If you are a vendor who wishes to sell something, please contact me first so I can add you to the vendors group. Vendors get a cool badge under their name identifying them as a vendor and vendors get their own topic area where they are full moderators for their own topic area. If you put the time, effort and money into making something your fellow Power Wagon owners want, then go for it. I don't want or expect you to share the revenue you make selling your products just because I gave you a tiny sliver of real-estate on this forum to sell your product.
- In addition to the above, if you are selling your product *exclusively* to members of this forum or you wish to make a small batch of items for personal use, then you are given permission to use the Power Wagon Registry logo on said product (including image and text). However, permission to use the logo is revocable at any time and for any reason. I'll define "exclusively" just so there isn't any confusion. If you sell a few of your product to friends and family, that's fine, but if you're making it available to the general public outside the members of this forum, then that does not meet my requirement for exclusivity. Please PM the Site Admin for links to the Power Wagon Registry Logo vector images
- If you happen to run a website or forum and you want to put it in your signature, go for it. Do us all a favor though and just do it as normal BBcode URL text and not some huge flashy text size and color.
- Just because you signed up for this forum, it does not mean you have become my wife nor do I own you. If you'd like to post links to other resources, even other Power Wagon forums, please feel free. Just keep in mind the "Don't SPAM rule". You are allowed to frequent other forums and websites, tell people that you frequent other forums and websites, enjoy the company of people from this forum on other forums and websites and I promise I won't take you to divorce court and take half your Power Wagon in the settlement.